How to Fix Flickering Lights?

LED Bulbs

Have you ever noticed that your lights are flickering during illumination? If yes, this common problem is already originated from several sources. However, many sources claimed that they are using traditional lights such as fluorescent and others. If you are curious about the solution, one of the simplest ways to get rid of flickering lights is to give an upgrade to LED lighting. Well, fluorescent lights take time to turn on and flicker simultaneously. But some other reasons also exist due to which the problem of light flickering occurs. With the help of this blog, you will go through some of the causes as well as the solutions that result in consistent and desired lighting on your premises.

Fluorescent Lights

LED bulbs

You do not have to worry about flickering when it comes to fluorescent lights. Usually, they experience flickering when they are turning on because they take time to power up and reach their full light output. It is normal for fluorescent lights to flicker when you turn them on for illumination. However, you can make a switch to LED light bulbs or any other LED lighting fixture to fix the problem of light flickering. Well, the advanced LED lights do not flicker or take extra time to charge up for high illumination. You will get intense brightness by just turning the lights on without facing any situation of flickering.

Ballast is Malfunctioning

The situation of ballast malfunctioning will come to the fore when you use fluorescent lights or ballast-compatible LED lights. Well, if the ballast of your lighting fixture is failing, you should change the ballast. To do so, you will need to bypass the ballast and direct-wire the lighting fixture. When you directly wire the lighting fixture, it will easily prevent some other potential issues as well that you might face with ballast. Other than this, you can also check the connection to confirm that it is secured or done correctly. In that case, you do not need to involve in extensive electrical work as they can be corrected by just minor changes.

Loose Bulb Connection

led bulbs

Another reason that might result in light flickering is a loose connection of the bulb. If the bulb is not screwed properly in the socket, you will encounter flickering lights during the performance. Not only this, but you can often find this reason in recessed lighting fixtures whether you use LED lighting fixtures. Also, checking the light is easy; you just need to turn it off and tighten the bulb to screw it properly. When you tighten the bulb, check for the light flickering by turning it on.

The Switch is Not Connected

LED Bulbs

In many cases, it is also possible that the connection between the LED light bulbs and the light switch is not connected correctly. Therefore, a secured circuit connection is not developed to pass a suitable amount of electricity. The poor connection causes light flickering and delivers a bad lighting performance. Simply, you can turn the light switch off and then turn it on to resolve the issue. Even after turning off the light switch, if the LED lighting fixture is still flickering, you should change the light switch to a new one. It is possible that your light switch is defective and needs to be replaced with a working one.

Dimmer is Not Compatible

If you have dimmable lights, you should ensure that the lighting fixture and dimmer are compatible with each other. Regarding compatibility, if your LED lighting fixture and dimmer are incompatible, the light can flicker during the production of brightness. If you want to avoid flickering, you should use LED compatible dimmer, which is specially designed to control the brightness of LED lights. When you change your incompatible dimmer, the problem will be fixed, and you can enjoy consistent and efficient brightness throughout the area. If you install an incompatible lighting fixture, you should change it to an effective lighting fixture that works correctly with an LED dimmer.

Fluctuating Voltages

The situation of fluctuating voltages will come to the fore when you are using some high wattages appliances at the same time. Usually, your home's electricity can come in use to run several appliances. Due to this, they can affect the overall voltage, which may be the main reason behind your LED lighting fixture flickering. If you face the issue even after turning the appliances off, you should hire a professional electrician to help you rectify the situation.

Electrical Wiring

LED Bulbs

Even after considering all the issues and solutions mentioned above, your LED lighting fixtures are flickering. It could be possible that you are facing the problem of loose electrical wiring. If the electrical wiring is loose, it can become the reason behind serious safety concerns, so you should resolve this issue as soon as possible.




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