Conversion: Fluorescent Light to LED Tube Lights

LED Tube lights

Want to replace your ordinary tube lights with LED Tube Lights? We agree with your decision. We know that LED lights are a little bit more expensive than fluorescent lights, but they are more energy-efficient by upto 50%, last longer, and are eco-friendly. These various benefits offer excellent user satisfaction and savings in the longer run. 

However, you should know more about LED systems before finalizing the LED retrofit. Knowing which LED lights will suit your requirements and location is important. LED tube lights require various steps to make them work, with different configurations depending on their type. The conversion can be done easily with the help of professional electricians. 

Types of LED Tube Lighting

Switching your fluorescent lighting to LEDs requires a decision-making process. Therefore, you must consider what type of LED Tube lights best suits your budget and needs. 

Consider these 3 types of LED tube lighting

LED Tube lights

Type A - Ballast-compatible: This type of LED is easy to install as it can perform on the same ballast that was working with the existing light fixture. You just need to remove the existing tube, then plug in the ballast-compatible LED tube and experience a bright LED lighting as the internal driver links with the existing ballast. You don't need any structural modifications with this type of lighting fixture. Most LED tube lights are compatible with T8, T5, and T12 ballast. 

Type B -Ballast-bypass: This is nothing like a Type A lighting fixture, a Type B LED light requires old ballast removal to get a direct power from line voltage. Ballast bypass LED requires a socket replacement, and a licensed electrician should do it. 

It has a more complex installation process with better energy efficiency and reliability than Type-A. 

Type A+B - Hybrid:

LED Tube lights

These are unique tubes as they are compatible with fixtures using ballast or non-ballast. This is one of the popular choices in the lighting industry, and it is considered a “one size fits all” tube. They can be directly wired or used with existing ballast as per the people's preference. 

Hybrid saves time of direct wiring and replacement of the ballast. In addition, this is the most flexible option for LED tubes. 

Easy LED Conversion 

However, you will not make the LED conversion yourself, so your primary work in the process is to choose the suitable LED lighting system. Your options are: 

As you are unlikely to make the conversion yourself, your primary role in the process is to select your preferred LED lighting system. Your choices are:

Type A LEDs, It is easy to install and has superb convenience. 

Type B LEDs, Demand for their excellent value over time. 

Type C LEDs, Noted for their peerless performance. 


Note this as the Type B, and Type C LEDs need conversions to electrical fixtures, we suggest you hire a licensed electrician to make the LED conversion or retrofit. 

After reading this blog, now you know everything about plug and play & ballast bypass LED tubes. Choose the lighting fixture as per your budget and requirements. There are few LED tubes that are famous for their ballast or ballast bypass quality. 

For example, T8 8ft LED tube lights and T8 4FT LED tube lights are the two T8 LED tube light fixtures most used and recommended by professionals. You can also connect two integrated tubes for better lighting performance. Choose your LED tube light type wisely. 


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